Facebook Friending

So, you met a hottie at a party, and maybe, with the help of some liquid courage, you got a little nasty with him or her. Now you’re creeping on his or her Facebook and asking yourself, “How soon is too soon to send that friend request?”


You two hit it off. You had the same college writing professor and drink the same kind of beer. In this case only wait about a day before requesting. You didn’t compromise your morals or embarrass yourself, so what do you have to lose?

Half Body:

You guys didn’t stop at first base; you ran through second and maybe even third. You don’t know if it was just a one-night stand or the possibility of something more, but you want to find out. Waiting a week to send the friend request will show that you’re not clingy, yet still interested. And maybe the other person will feel the same and send YOU the request in the meantime.

Whole Body:

You got a little carried away and did the dirty with someone you just met. That’s usually not your style; and you want that person to know you’re not just a chronic one-night-stander. But maybe that person is. You should wait until you run into that person at least one more time before sending the request. If he or she completely ignores you the next time you see him or her, leave his or her Facebook alone.

Contact Kelsey Misbrener at [email protected].