Annual Bowman Breakfast introduces ‘A Shared Vision for a New Kent’

The Fall 2011 Bowman Breakfast, titled “A Shared Vision for a New Kent,” will be held Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in the Student Center Ballroom.

The event will include the insight of several community members on their ideas for Kent’s future.

The event will feature President Lestor Lefton and City Manager David Ruller as speakers with introductions by David E. Dix, publisher of the Record-Courier.

Guests will be charged $9 at the door and no-shows will be billed. Those interested in attending are urged by the university to contact Mary Mandalari from University Communications and Marketing by Monday.

The Kent Area Chamber of Commerce will fund the breakfast, which has been a tradition at Kent State since 1963.

Contact Drew Parker at [email protected].