Our View: Does Bachmann stand a chance?
At the California Republican Party convention Friday, gay rights activists unleashed a dance number flash mob to Madonna’s “Like a Prayer.” The demonstration was in direct response to Michele Bachmann’s presence at the conference.
Our stance on Bachmann’s anti-gay rhetoric is not what this editorial is about. Instead, we’d like to address the Minnesota state representative’s outward disregard for tact.
It’s for the reasons we will list here that Bachmann is targeted by such protesters.
Bachmann has said gay marriage is a “defining political issue of our time,” and her stance on the issue is abundantly clear.
She said in an interview on “Meet the Press” that families are only families if they’re straight.
“When it comes to marriage, and family, my opinion is that marriage is between a man and a woman,” she said on the show.
In an effort to rid society of homosexuality, a Christian clinic owned by Bachmann and her husband allegedly advises patients that prayer can rid a person of homosexuality.
She’s gone as far to call homosexuality “personal enslavement” in 2004 and “a sexual dysfunction” that is “part of Satan” this year. She said if she were to be elected to the presidency, she would work to reenact the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban on gays in the military.
As found in a poll conducted in March by The Washington Post and ABC News, 53 percent of Americans think gay marriage should be legalized, while 44 percent think is should not be legalized.
Sure, gay marriage isn’t the only issue in the 2012 elections. We’re not disputing that. All we’re saying is that Bachmann’s ultra-conservative approach to Republicanism can’t end well. She’s too outspoken of a candidate on such a hot issue.
If more than half of Americans favor something she completely opposes, how many will look past that? Considering how often her anti-gay beliefs pop up in the media, how many Americans even know what other issues she favors or opposes?
It’s sad to say it, but when so many people don’t vote or follow elections, one issue might be the only thing some people will know about Bachmann. And we think that will be enough to keep her away from the White House.
Does Bachmann even stand a chance in scoring the presidency after all this? We think not.
The above editorial is a consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board whose members are listed above.