Time-wasting websites (besides Facebook and Twitter and Google+)

Stumbleupon.com: Hours and hours of random web pages are just a click away. Warning: stumbling is extremely addictive.

Damnyouautocorrect.com : You know you’ve done it: sent a message without realizing your phone kindly switched a couple words. Here are some hilarious ones from strangers.

Awkwardfamilyphotos.com: The best of the best in awkward dads, moms, grandmas, and some super awesome pets.

Peopleofwalmart.com: Or instead of going to the website, drive to Kent’s own WalMart and see for yourself.

Textsfromlastnight.com: Drunk people saying stupid things. Now made public for your enjoyment.

Shitmydadsays.com: And he says a lot of funny shit.

Bigdouchebag.com: after the popularity of our douchebag article, I figured this website would be a nice complement.

Contact Kelsey Misbrener at [email protected].