Our View: We want YOU to go green
In Friday’s paper, a Daily Kent Stater article reported Kent State’s recent efforts to become a “greener” campus. Changes on campus include new solar panels on the Kent State Field House and select bus stops, new energy-efficient light bulbs in the Ice Arena and campus-wide efforts to stress the importance of recycling. We commend the university for making strides to save energy and resources, but would also like to remind students of the little things they can do to contribute.
We know you’ve all heard the standard tips for “going green,” but how many of you can say you implement them in your daily lives? Turn off the lights when you leave home. When you’re brushing your teeth, don’t leave the water on. Make sure to recycle cans, paper and plastics. We know you’ve heard it all before. But if the entire campus made an effort to put these and other simple practices to work, the student body could truly help Kent State in its efforts to be a “green” campus.
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At the same time Kent State is making positive changes, we can’t help but notice the lack of an effort by local apartment complexes to do the same. Hardly any of the apartments surrounding campus offer their residents the ability to recycle. Coming from a campus that makes it nearly impossible not to recycle, this can be a rude awakening. Just because these apartments haven’t decided to go “green” doesn’t mean the students who live there can’t continue to recycle. Buy a separate trash receptacle to throw away your bottles and cans and bring them to campus when you’re here. Or if you feel awkward carrying a bag around campus, make the short drive to the local recycling center on Mogadore Road. It’s a small effort that can go a long way.
The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board, whose names are listed above.