Opinion: The Wall Street virus is spreading
We’ve seen progress in Egypt and Tunisia, with violence and death as an outcome. Not to say protesters will be killed by public authorities in the U.S., but there are no clear predictions. Many protests can turn into conflict and conflict leads to uncontrollable emotion, which leads to rioting. From all great protests, there is a fear of power on both sides. On one side, the protesters don’t like how powerful our government can be, on the other side, the government may fear how powerful the people can be. There is a source of fear on both sides.
In an article written by Kimberly Hayes Taylor of MSNBC, she said she believes there may be issues regarding the organization of the protests, saying how the people in some parts of the country are disorganized.
“The angry protesters who call themselves the ‘99 percent’ have started a movement,” Taylor said. “But to many it’s unclear what their demands are except to shine a spotlight on the ‘greedy and corrupt’ rich — especially bankers — and politicians who have lost touch with the people.
Critics of the largely unstructured demonstration point to examples like Detroit’s take on the matter: protesters had planned for their city’s occupation and March to begin today, but as of late last night, no permit had been filed.”
I, personally, have never protested for anything on the streets. I’ve seen them happen in my hometown of Chicago, and have witnessed what great lengths people will go in order to get their voices out there. Whether some may speculate that the occupation is disorganized and dysfunctional, many more will join. The more people shout, the louder the room gets.
In the end, I just hope after my graduation, I’ll be able to find myself a job.