Our View: Kim Kardashian single again
It was a tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme. When Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries said their “I do’s” a mere 73 days ago, no one would have expected their marriage could fall apart so quickly — oh wait, didn’t we all?
#ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage became a trending topic on Twitter, citing such examples as “the receipt for the wedding costs,” “Taylor Swift’s speech before Kanye West interrupted it” and “the pause that Dora the Explorer makes when she asks us a question.”
Anyone who tuned in to E!’s two night wedding special, “Kim’s Fairytale Wedding,” could see tensions rising between the couple even before they exchanged vows in their rumored $10 million affair. He wanted her to move to Minnesota and become a typical housewife. She didn’t want to change her last name because it might tarnish the success of her Kardashian empire. She didn’t want his dogs on her bed. He didn’t like her high maintenance diva personality — especially when she threw a tantrum over a lost $75,000 diamond earring. So what did they like about each other? Honestly by the end of the special, many of us were still scratching our heads.
Just like younger sister Khloe Kardashian Odom said, Kim falls in love with the idea of being in love, and we have to agree. For years on the show, we’ve watched her fall in and out of love with small-name athletes and bodyguards alike, each time talking of marriage and babies. Humphries was just the first guy (or second, if you count her brief marriage at age 19) to pop the question.
So in the end, we have to say we’re not surprised, but we still wish Kim the best of luck. She may have risen to fame after a not-so-private sex tape with R&B singer Ray J, but above all, we’ve seen that she does have a good heart, and at least deserves to be happy. As for Humphries, you’re now free to continue your life as a not-so-well-known basketball player from Minnesota. Hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame.
The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.