Opinion: Unitas, Manning… Andrew Luck?

He’s a clone of Peyton Manning, and then some. Luck has the ability to escape the pocket, but doesn’t look to. When he does use his feet, it’s like a linebacker running at the defense. Think Tim Tebow with an arm? Dangerous, I know.

No matter what happens from now until the end of the season, the bottom line is that Indianapolis is about as good as the Bad News Bears with pads. If they do finish with the worst record in the NFL, the franchise is going to have to face a serious problem that most teams would die for. Do you draft the next quarterback phenomenon to maybe have him sit behind the living legend, Peyton Manning? Or do you waive Manning, and draft Luck?

To think that last year during the time Luck was pondering going pro, Manning advised and praised his decision to return to school.

Well, isn’t this an awkward situation now.