Letter to the editor: Pearl Harbor anniversary
Shame on DKS for not recognizing that Dec. 7 holds special significance in any given year: but most especially for the 70th anniversary. For this to be the newspaper of one of the most veteran-friendly schools in the country, I would have expected some recognition to appear somewhere in the paper. I, being a veteran myself, take offense that the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor — “a day that will live in infamy” (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) — was not aknowleged on the front page, or at all for that matter! The aknowlegement of deaths of students this past year is honorable, but failing to commemorate Pearl Harbor may as well have erased that stand-up deed. I will be looking through tomorrow’s paper as well, and hope to see some aknowlegement of this day in American history.
Have a good day.
Michael Mullett