Opinion: Occupy is still alive

Melissa Schwachenwald

Melissa Schwachenwald is a senior crafts and fine arts major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].

On Sept. 17, 2011 the Occupy Wall Street movement began in Zuccotti Park, located on Wall Street in New York City.

The compelling crowd of hopeful individuals grew rapidly and spread across America with the desire for extensive change.

Ideas and issues include economic and social inequality, corporations, greed and financial reformation.

While persisting peaceful action, multiple cities within our country set up tents, free kitchens, meetings and rallies.

Police forces shut down many of the Occupy sites, although the movement endured and extended worldwide.

Among the individuals involved with Occupy Wall Street, college students have been a driving force on and off their campuses.

Molly Shack attends The Ohio State University, concentrating on international studies.

Shack is a student voice for Occupy Ohio State and meets weekly with a General Assembly to discuss topics such as the Occupy groups, feminism, LBGT, environmental issues, race and economics.

“I think that Occupy OSU has a powerful ability to bring people together through politics. We focus on community building, diversity, commitment and large-scale change,” she said.

A typical GA meeting includes proposals from the members and debates, along with planned protests and marches.

The assembly held a successful march in November on High Street in Columbus, making stops at banks and peacefully voicing their demands for change within our government.

The next organized event held by Occupy OSU will be Jan. 25. It is called Solidarity Day and marks the one-year anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution in Tahrir Square.

“This rally is not just for Egypt, but for people power brought together for worldwide support,” Shack said.

With hopes of the independent student movement growing across the state of Ohio, Molly is promoting Solidarity Day and invites anyone and everyone to make posters, march, dance, raise funds and celebrate the fight for democracy.

The plan is to meet Wed., Jan. 25 at 3:30 p.m. on the Ohio State Campus near the Oval.

For more information about the location and how to be involved, please contact me via e-mail ([email protected]).

Occupy Ohio State has kept their energy alive, increasing their numbers with each GA meeting and continuing the efforts of Occupy Columbus.

Kent State students have the capabilities to form an influential group focusing on the relevant issues within our surrounding society and creating a loud voice.

Engaging in activities is a historical gateway and an empowering experience.

The strength is in numbers, the concentration is change and the international organizations are revolutionary.