Opinion: The tales of Mitt Romney and Ron Paul’s bromance
Seth Cohen
Seth Cohen is a senior magazine major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected].
During the past primaries, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney have been busting heads against one another about where their political agendas stand and what they plan to do once they’re in office. As each of the two candidates throw accusations, there’s one particular candidate who remained in the debates, but never really had the spotlight. We notice how Romney and Gingrich fight, while at the same time, Ron Paul and Romney have always had some sort of alliance if you were watching the debates.
They don’t necessarily see eye to eye, but Paul and Romney have remained good friends inside and outside of the political world.
Despite some disagreements on certain political stands, Romney and Paul became friends during their run for president back in 2008. Ann Romney and Carol Paul, wives of the candidates, were also quite fond of each other.
During the debates, Romney compliments Paul, while Paul returns the favor as he called him after the Florida primary to congratulate him on his victorious defeat against Gingrich. Rick Santorum, on the other hand, is not in the picture, nor is he in the circle of friendship between Paul and Romney.
How is it that these two candidates can see eye to eye regardless of political thoughts and agendas? The Washington Post calls it an “alliance of strategic partnership” while I see it as a clever way for Paul to receive support from Mormon voters. Not to say their friendship isn’t real, but Paul may have found a way to kill two birds with one stone. Become friends with a Mormon candidate, and the voters will see his compassion toward a religion that’s still new to us in the political realm.
We as a people are not used to having a Mormon run for office, just like how John F. Kennedy was running at a time where a Catholic man was unlikely to make it to the White House. When it comes down to Paul and Romney, is it all about who gets the most Mormon votes?
In an article written by Shira Schoenberg of the Boston Globe, she talks about how Paul may be seeking Mormon voters in the Nevada primary.
“Raina Stump, a Mormon from Logandale, voted for Mitt Romney in the 2008 Nevada presidential caucuses, and she was not alone,” Schoenberg said. “According to exit polls conducted for the Associated Press, nine out of 10 Mormon voters in Nevada supported Romney. But Saturday, Stump plans to caucus for Representative Ron Paul of Texas. ‘A lot of people in my neighborhood, my friends support Romney simply because he’s Mormon,’ Stump said. ‘I don’t agree with that.’”
Whether it’s a true friendship, an act, a serious bromance or simply a way to troll Gingrich and Santorum, this alliance seems to be working for both of them in the long run. Who knows, maybe there will be backstabbing, or maybe this will be an example of how candidates can work together to make the United States a better place. For now, it’s a seldom-seen world that conspires against Paul and Romney.