Our View: Pro-shoplifting policy gets ‘the boot’

The Huffington Post ran a headline Sunday that read “American Apparel cracks down on shoplifting, loses hipster fans.”

The lead? “Thieving hipsters, take note.”

The article went on to describe how American Apparel, a clothing company targeting young adults, has started using anti-theft sensors that have significantly decreased its shrinkage.

The company has long been known for its rebellious approach to corporate procedures and progressive views. It has openly supported gay rights and remained one of the few clothing companies to keep its factories inside the U.S. It even pays its factory workers higher wages ($12 to $14 an hour).

At first glance, this looks like a company we can get on board with.

Unfortunately, The Huffington Post’s report went on to explain that American Apparel has been targeted by shoplifters for its tendency to look away when they make their move.

One former employee wrote a blog for Jezebel alleging the founder of the company defended stealing from its stores as a “pureness of intent.”

“If someone was particularly good at it, that meant they prioritized ‘looking hot in a coveted item’ over ‘possible legal ramifications’ and thus deserved to be wearing American Apparel,” she wrote.

What an interesting, and ridiculous, point of view. We get it; you’re anti-corporate, but are you really encouraging your customers to disregard the law in your store? That’s just bad business.

For those who plan to criticize the clothing company for finally cracking down (and we’re not saying it’s hipsters and hipsters alone — that’s a little brash), we have to wonder why you would.

It seems only logical that a clothing company should protect its merchandise.

Let’s hope the “pro-shoplifting” policy has finally been deemed indefensible.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.