Opinion: What a ball
Taylor Miksic
Taylor Miksic is a freshman news major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].
The Kent State Air Force and Army ROTC Military Ball, held Friday in the Student Center Ballroom, was an evening filled with food and fun.
The Military Ball is a formal dinner and dance for the Army and Air Force cadets. The cadets are permitted to bring dates. Whether it’s a spouse, fiancée, boyfriend or girlfriend, or even just a friend, the date does not need to be a part of the military.
Women in beautiful dresses and men dressed in suits and ties escorted the cadets dressed in their class-A uniforms; everyone looked amazing.
The evening started off with social hour in the Student Center’s Ballroom Balcony. This gave everyone a chance to take pictures and make conversation. It also gave those of age the chance to drink alcoholic beverages, which was a new addition to this year’s ball.
Colonel Piccone said he fought hard in order to have a bar at the ball. He believed that the cadets were responsible enough to handle it.
After socializing, the cadets and their dates lined up to be let into the ballroom and go through the receiving line. The cadets introduced their dates to Cadet Zebrowski who then introduced them to the Colonel. The downside to this way of entering is that it is time-consuming, although it is a nice way for the Colonel to meet not only the Army cadets, but Air Force as well.
The ballroom looked spectacular that evening. The tables were all set upon arrival and the food was set out and ready to go. The staff worked very hard in order to have everything fully prepared.
Once everyone was seated the Color Guard did the Posting of the Colors. All attention was on the men and women of the Color Guard and the flags they were holding. They marched with a purpose up to the stage and placed the flags in their stands behind the head table.
Once this part of the ceremony was over, invocation and toasts were made and dinner was served. The delicious food was devoured by the time the last table was dismissed to get served. Chicken, manicotti, green beans and mashed potatoes were all part of the night’s menu. The food was prepared perfectly, although the last few tables to be served got slim pickings.
After eating, the guest speaker, Major General Daniel Hahn, took the stage. He is a retiree of the Army and his awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit with six oak leaf clusters, Bronze Star Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Meritorious Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters, Joint Commendation Medal and many more. This distinguished man caught the attention of the whole room while giving his speech.
Prayer was then said and the Color Guard retrieved the flags for the Retiring of the Colors. The evening ended with dancing. The Military Ball was a huge success and great time for all. The inclusion of the bar this year was a great addition and proved the Colonel right — the Kent State Army and Air Force cadets are able to be responsible and mature while still having a fun night.