Opinion: Does God exist?



Fiza Shah

Fiza Shah is a freshman news major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].

It seems to be a question that every nonbeliever [and sometimes believer] asks himself or herself: Why won’t God talk to me directly? If He really wants me to believe, why won’t He just tell me that?

God does not use landlines or cellphones. In this age of instant gratification, there is no number to text or email to message.

Many people view the belief in God as simply the most well integrated and accepted form of delusion in modern society.

For those that hold such a view, that is your right. It is your right because you have free will, an ability theists believe is given by the very God of which atheists don’t acknowledge the existence.

I am not trying to defend my faith by being an apologist, because defense is necessary when some wrong has been done. I am responding to and trying to negate misconceptions about Islam.

“This is the beauty of an imagined being’s will, you can interpret His will any way you want. If God was real there would be no debate or doubt” [Mr. Trollerson].

First of all, I am not interpreting His will in a way that promotes my own actions. I do many things that I know Islam does not allow, but I do not reason that my actions are acceptable using the Quran and Hadith.

In fact, I could prove how my actions are not acceptable in Islam. I am simply analyzing the views of fringe groups in the context of the Quran and Hadith. When the beliefs of these groups directly counter the obvious teachings of the faith they profess to believe in, there is something wrong.

I’ve been listening to a debate recently, between two atheists and two theists, one of whom is a Muslim scholar named Hassanain Rajabali. In order to respond to your denial of the existence of God, I am going to quote some of the points made by Hassanain. I would encourage everyone to YouTube the debate for themselves.

The Principle of Causality is a theory in physics, which states that for every effect, there needs to be a cause. And since every action is dependent on another, there needs to be a catalyst that is not in need of a start.

In Islam, one of the fundamental tenets of faith is that God is not dependent on anyone, and we are all dependent on Him.

Therefore, God is the beginning cause, which is not dependent on any other event to start, and which sets everything else in motion. So, even if you do believe in the Big Bang [which I, too, believe in] what was the ultimate cause of the big bang?

You asked why would God not intervene when people disobeyed Him. Muslims believe that this life is a test, after which there is an ultimate reward or punishment. A court of law governed by God and His judgment. Humans have been given free will, and are able to choose right or wrong.

Likewise, when a teacher gives a test, there is a right answer and a wrong one. It is not the teacher’s job to intervene when a student is about to choose the wrong answer, but rather the student’s job to choose the right answer.

“You’re talking about interpretation of text in order to make it say what you want, I’m talking about reading the words on the page” [Mr. Trollerson].

In order to read the words on the page, one needs to interpret them in context. For example, in order to understand your comment and point of view, it is necessary to look at the context of your argument, which is my column.

When archeologists discover ancient writings left by civilizations long dead, they don’t simply try to interpret the drawings on the wall. They analyze them in context of the civilization. In order to know the civilization, they look to experts in that field.

By using the experts, they are not negating the validity of the drawings, but rather using the experts who are more knowledgeable about the civilizations than those that found the site.

Mr. Trollerson said, “This is like talking to a brick wall but I’ll try again,” which I don’t mind, but it begs the question, what is your end motive?

If it is to evangelize, and to simply disregard any point that contradicts your own, then I think we’re having the wrong discussion.

I have not dodged any questions. I am answering your questions using religion because we are having a debate regarding the validity of the Islamic teachings.

By quoting the actions of fringe groups, you are doing the very thing that I’m being accused of: looking to the interpretations of people in order to promote my own view.

Bring forward evidence from the Quran or Hadith regarding hatred or evil supposedly spread by Islam.