Internship coordinators share common interview questions

It’s no secret that a job interview can make or break your career. Although no interview is predictable, students can prepare answers to common interview questions. Internship coordinators were asked to share questions they felt students should be prepared to answer during a job or internship interview.

Robert Walker, director for the school of digital sciences, stressed the importance of turning failures and weaknesses into positives.

“One of the most common questions that students get stuck on is ‘tell me about your biggest failure at your current job and what you learned from it,” Walker said. “It’s better for students to admit their weaknesses and turn them into positive character traits than to pretend they don’t have any.”

Walker said students should also be prepared to answer questions like “Why do you want to work for us?” and “What do you know about us?” This is when researching a company in advance comes into play.

1. Tell me about your biggest failure and what you learned from it.

2. Why do you want to work for us?

3. What do you know about us?

Victor Berardi, associate professor of management and information systems at Kent State Stark Campus, suggested students read the interview manual “Knock ‘em Dead” by Martin Yate.

“The book states that students should always understand that every employee is hiring for the same position; a problem solver,” Berardi said. “Students should also use their résumé as a story board, using events and projects to highlight the text on their résumé.”

1. Give an example of how you have solved a problem other have had trouble with.

2. How have you demonstrated value as a team player?

3. What is your definition of professionalism?

Tracey Motter, academic program director for the college of nursing, said students should be ready to show their character strengths.

“Sometimes, especially in nursing, employers will present a situation to you and ask how you would handle it,” Motter said.

1. Be prepared to answer a situation that you will be expected to handle if given the position.

2. Tell me what you think the most important quality of the position you are applying for.

Pamela Grimm, chairperson for the department of marketing and entrepreneurship, said that students should be aware of the ‘simple’ trick questions.

“When an employer asks you a questions such as ‘tell me about yourself,’ it can be a trickier question than a situational interpretation,” Grimm said. “It’s best to share events in your life that tell who you are rather than relying on your résumé saying who you are.”

1. Tell me about yourself. (Trick questions)

2. What attracted you to apply for this position?

3.What is it that makes you a great candidate for the job?

4. Tell me something you are passionate about.

5. What is a weakness that impedes your ability to succeed?

6. Describe a situation in which you had to work with a difficult person.

Contact Stephanie Black at [email protected].