Guest column: Romney: On the wrong side of health care

With recent polling showing Mitt Romney trailing 41-52 to President Obama, voters have to wonder – what is the presumptive nominee thinking when it comes to women’s health care?

Romney is really trying to find every vote he can, especially here in the pivotal swing state of Ohio. In a state known for its renowned universities and large student populations, you would imagine Romney would want to rethink his strategy of standing on the wrong side of every issue that is important for young women’s health.

Basic health care for women is an extremely important issue on college campuses. Access to contraception, screenings and health insurance is a priority. And thanks to President Obama and the Affordable Care Act, young women have access to these basic health care needs.

But now Mitt Romney wants to turn back the clock by decades on women’s health. Romney threatened that he would “get rid of” Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of women’s health, which operates a clinic here in Kent.

Romney has declared himself anti-birth control by supporting the controversial Blunt-Rubio Amendment, which gives employers the power to make contraception decisions for female employees. He has made overturning the Affordable Care Act one of the main points of his campaign, returning us to the days where insurance companies were allowed to charge women higher premiums and force us to pay for birth control out of pocket.

But wait, there’s more! Romney would even overturn the provision of the Affordable Care Act that allows young people to stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26. That idea is surely a winner on Ohio’s college campuses.

When I graduate in 2013, there will be a million things to think about – getting a job, paying off student loans and finding a place to live. But Mitt Romney would take away the peace of mind of knowing that I could stay on my parent’s insurance until I get on solid ground.

For young women, access to health care is too important to let stand to chance. Our health care is too important to vote for Mitt Romney.

Lorie Gantz is a junior fashion merchandising major.