Guest Column: The most important tool for a college student
When I was a freshman at Kent State, I wrote a guest column about the healing power of music. Today, I believe in that more than ever.
However, I’m not writing this today to talk about music. With the start of the semester and the ensuing chaos that often overwhelms students, I felt it appropriate to share what — in addition to music — has gotten me through college thus far.
Friendship is the most important resource a college student can have. It may sound strange to describe something so meaningful as just another tool or resource, but I think this description is just.
When you start your educational journey, you are told exactly what books you will need, what pages to study, and what supplies you need to be academically successful. All of these are tools for your education.
But what about the tools you need to be emotionally successful? What happens when all of the textbook pages and lecture notes, all of the stress and pressures build up and start swirling around where you get to a point you can’t think straight anymore?
It’s at these times when we need to turn to our closest friends and family to embrace love and support. I can honestly say that without all of my friends and family, there is no way I would still be here today, working as hard as I am. I would have failed a long time ago.
So what I’m trying to say is, in these stressful times, it is important to remember that even at the darkest of times, there is always someone you can turn to. When you’re down and feel like you can’t get back up, the people close to you will be like angels on your shoulders that will bring you back up into the light.
And even if you don’t have many close friends, college is a great place to find new ones. They’re out there somewhere.
This is also a reminder to not only seek out support, but to also support your fellow students, friends and family members in the same way. Keep them close to your heart. Never take friendships for granted. Nurture them, study them, respect them, and then nurture them some more. Nothing is more important.
So when you feel like you’re going to fail, seek help from those close to your heart. It may be the best resource you have in college.
Contact Anthony Lumpp at [email protected].