Last call for submission to JMC script competition
Submissions for the first KSU Independent Films script competition are due Nov. 2.
Estee Hodge, executive producer of KSU Independent Films, said “psychological thrillers” is the theme for this year’s competition.
“We want something smart and scary,” Hodge said. “Something you think can really happen after watching it.”
Hodge said she encourages students, faculty and staff to participate in the competition.
“It’s an opportunity for any writer to bring an idea they have,” Hodge said. “We want to give everyone a chance. A math student may have a great idea for a story and we would love to hear it. You don’t know where a good idea can come from. We’ve even had a professor showing interest.”
David Smeltzer, co-advisor for KSU Independent Films, said the script competition is a great opportunity for all students involved.
Smeltzer said most of the film’s production will be done by Kent State students — everything from casting to film editing. He also asks that “gore” be kept to a minimum in submissions.
The winner of the competition will see his or her script turned into a KSU Independent Films motion picture with his or her name listed in the opening credits.
Hodge said in an email that the development team plans to review all script submissions. Hodge said she, Smeltzer and professor Traci Williams will judge scripts on dialogue and story content.
“We know some people may submit a first draft, and not have time to edit it a second or third time,” Hodge said. “At least it’s something to work with and can potentially offer a great story.”
KSU Independent Films will announce the winning script at the end of the semester, Hodge said. Students will spend the spring semester planning the film and film it Summer 2013.
Hodge said even students who aren’t writers and may need help developing dialogue can write a great script, as long as they have a compelling story idea. She said she is looking forward to seeing what stories are submitted, and to the opportunity the competition brings to students.
Send digital script submissions to [email protected] , or hard copies to 125 Franklin Hall, Hodge said.