Our View: Too Much of a Good Thing
Halloween at Kent State has the reputation of being one of the biggest parties in the state this time of year, but those who overdo it can ruin it for everyone.
There were 64 arrests during the Halloween celebrations downtown, and another 30 were arrested on campus that night.
On top of the arrests, there was an alleged assault and robbery on Hilltop Drive near Cartwright Hall and an alleged six-person brawl at BP on Main Street. There was also a fire in the garage of a university-owned property that is still under investigation.
Almost 100 people arrested in Kent in a single night is just ridiculous. There were nearly 70 arrested just for underage drinking. There are other ways to go out and have a good time besides getting drunk as a skunk, especially if you’re underage.
Think of this logically. The City of Kent increased the number of people patrolling Saturday night. Think of the overtime that adds up to. Police departments, like the one in the City of Kent, run on tax dollars. The Kent State Police Department is funded with the help of tuition dollars. Taxpayers in Kent — including students who work in the city — and Kent State students are the ones paying for all of these arrests.
Is it too much to ask that people should drink responsibly?