Our View: Make fighting hunger a habit

Food banks across the country have a vital role in distributing food to people who can’t afford it. They tend to see an increased demand during the November and December holiday season, and thankfully it’s also the time of year when donations increase as well.

But what about January through October?

We hold a spot in our hearts for everyone who remembers to help the hungry during this time of gluttonous family dinners. But they need something to eat during the other months of the year, too.

Every year, the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank provides food and other items to 180,000 people throughout eight Northeast Ohio counties, including Portage County, according to its website, which includes a list of statistics about the widespread hunger in the area.

Of the people it serves, 49 percent have to choose between paying for food or utilities; 42 percent choose between food and paying the rent or mortgage; and 35 percent choose between food and medicine.

Food insecurity, which is the state of not having sufficient access to fulfill essential dietary needs, affects one in seven Ohio households and one in five Ohio children.

Their hunger is just as bad in the spring, summer and fall as it is in the winter.

Anything you are able to donate to a local food bank, even if it isn’t much, could help someone from going hungry this Thanksgiving, so we hope you will use this time of thankfulness to pay it forward and let someone give thanks to you.

But let’s also not forget to show that generosity during the rest of the year.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.