Kent State Deputy Athletic Director Tom Kleinlein named director of athletics at Georgia Southern

In an announcement made by the university Monday evening, Tom Kleinlein, Kent State deputy athletic director, was named the new director of athletics at Georgia Southern University.

Kleinlein was formerly the Executive Associate Athletic Director at Kent State before taking over as Deputy Athletic Director in September 2011.

“This is a well deserved opportunity for TK and his family,” Joel Nielsen, Kent State director of athletics, said in a press release Monday. “I look forward to following the success of Georgia Southern under his leadership.”

Social media support for Kleinlein’s impending arrival at Georgia Southern was positive, and the university’s athletic website featured a picture of Kleinlein being introduced in a press conference on Monday.

Kleinlein is expected to start at Georgia Southern in January.

-Nick Shook, basketball reporter for the Daily Kent Stater