Letter to the editor: U.S. government should stop dwelling on American deaths in Benghazi
I am writing to express my extreme anger and frustration at our president, Cabinet members and Congress members for continuing to dwell on the four Americans that were killed at the embassy in Benghazi. First, these so-called representatives and lawmakers of our U.S. government made this tragedy a political stomping ground during the Presidential campaigning, even after the ambassador’s father told the press that he knew his son would not appreciate this.
Second, I ask the question: Why, in the name of fairness in humanity, do the deaths of these four men merit any more attention than do the deaths of thousands of U.S. troops that have died and are continuing to die for these asinine excuses of two wars? These two wars have been going on during most of the Bush administration and will go on until 2014, according to Obama. I voted for Obama twice, but I am at my rope’s end to stay silent about this unwinnable Afghanistan War.
Why, in the name of good common American sense, do the president, Cabinet members, and Congress members think that continuing to fight until 2014 is going to make any difference whatsoever? As I just said, I voted for Obama twice, but if he continues this idiotic Afghanistan War even one more day, then Congress has the duty to impeach him, and the Senate has the duty to convict him out of office for continuing to put Americans in harm’s way for absolutely no good reason. This Afghanistan War is no more a protection of U.S. security than guarding against the man in the moon.
Finally, I am very disappointed in any American that has the ability to read, write or call their senators and congressmen to express their anger toward these two asinine wars that have lasted far too long. Please, I beg of you, do our patriotic duty and tell our U.S. government to get the U.S. troops out of harm’s way, now.