Letter to the Editor Jan 14, 2013

I voted for President Obama twice. I saw nothing wasteful about his first inauguration. Quite frankly, I truly believe all minorities and the citizens that voted for him deserved the pomp and ceremony that was the first inauguration. The U.S., as a whole people, should have come together at that moment in our history.

However, this second inauguration, and the degree in monetary wastefulness, has gone way too far considering the monetary status of our country. When my 17-year-old daughter thinks enough about how our government spends money on frivolity, I know this government waste is being witnessed by many age groups.

I am normally long-winded in my letters to the editor, but I get a feeling that most of the U.S. citizens agree with my 17-year-old daughter. This second inauguration is just simply too, too costly and wasteful.

Timothy Bledsoe, North Augusta, S.C.