Sports Corner Interviews Trayion Durham
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On Sports Corner this week Jake Corcoran had an exclusive interview with Kent State Running Back Trayion Durham.
Trayion Durham and Dri Archer both ran for more than a 1,000 yards last season. Sports Reporter Jon Jankowski wanted to find out if they are similar on the field and off the field. Below are twelve questions that Archer and Durham answered for TV2.
Batman or Superman: Archer: Batman, Durham: Superman
Kobe or Lebron: Archer: Kobe, Durham: Lebron
Ketchup or Mustard: Archer: Ketchup, Durham: Ketchup
Reese’s or Kit Kat: Archer: Kit Kat, Durham: Reese’s
Lay’s or Ruffles Archer: Lay’s, Durham: Lay’s
Steak or Chicken: Archer: Steak, Durham: Chicken
Salt or Pepper: Archer: Salt, Durham: Pepper
A1 Sauce or BBQ Sauce: Archer: BBQ, Durham: BBQ
Peanut Butter or Nutella: Archer: Peanut Butter, Durham: Peanut Butter
Beyonce or Rihanna: Archer: Beyonce, Durham: Beyonce
Jay Z or Kanye West: Archer: Jay Z, Durham: Jay Z
Best Way to Find the Endzone: Archer: “Giving Me the Ball”, Durham: “Run Through Them”
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