Opinion: Just another Thursday
Ryan Sampson
Ryan Sampson is a senior architecture major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at[email protected].
In high school, my feelings regarding Valentine’s Day had a tendency to range from a nonchalant indifference to severe hatred, and I’ve seen an even wider range of emotions from those around me. Recently, I’ve noticed that there are two very distinctive roles: lucky in love in the midst of a blissful relationship, or openly expressing a joyful independence. This year, I am boasting neither.
Usually, I have someone to spend the day with, but for me, this Feb. 14 will be just another Thursday. I’m not going to go around expressing any hatred for the holiday or wearing purple and calling myself a queen. I won’t sulk or dress in black. I will wake up, go to class, go to work and perform the same routine that I do on a weekly basis. Perhaps I’m being a bit dramatic, but I feel like I have transcended the wide span of emotions that this one particular day inflicts on the many members of the population.
Feb. 14 tends to make people a little crazy. According to staticsticbrain.com, more than 50 percent of women would end their relationship if they didn’t get something for Valentine’s Day, and 14 percent send flowers to themselves. As a rule of thumb, when in a relationship, the holiday should be acknowledged at the very least, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon beforehand. If you both choose not to participate, then that’s fine too, but make sure that it’s not a passive-aggressive attempt to rise above mushy commercialism while actually expecting something from your significant other. That method doesn’t end well.
For those of you who do want to celebrate, don’t lose that warm fuzzy feeling when Friday rolls around. Despite the fact that couples should regularly appreciate one another, it is nice to have a day that you can do something special with your significant other or loved ones, but it shouldn’t be a rare occasion. Your partner should feel loved year-round. So with this in mind, don’t pity your single friends. Being single doesn’t mean lonely and unloved; it just means that you haven’t found the right person at the moment.
Single people, don’t be angry and judgmental toward those in your life who are paired off. You don’t need to loudly voice your opinion that this day is stupid or obnoxious; it’s just one day. If the couples in your life are practically unbearable on a regular basis, then that’s a whole different issue.
As for me, I’ll be quietly sitting in Starbucks, tackling a Sociology of Religion paper while sipping a soy white mocha. I will people-watch and subdue the cynic, happy to see others in love. With the exception of the overwhelming amount of pink and red, it will be just like any other Thursday.