Latin Film Fest offers new cultural experiences to students

The Kent State University Department of History and the Institute of Applied Linguistics will present “Discovering New Cinema from Latin America and Spain” to offer students an inside look at films from Latin America and Spain.

“It’s a chance to see great Spanish-language films without having to leave campus,” said Christopher Mellinger, graduate student majoring in translation studies.

Mellinger said there are not many opportunities to see such films in the U.S. Whenever there is a chance to see films directed and produced outside of the U.S., he tries to attend.

“I always like going to the films that are shown during this film series because each one shows a unique perspective on important issues faced in each country,” Mellinger said. “I always learn something new about the diverse and varied cultures and how politics, culture and language interact.”

Francoise Massardier-Kenney, director of the Institute for Applied Linguistics at Kent State, said watching each film gives you the feeling of being in another country.

“We choose movies from different genres so people can see the variety and wealth of movies,” Kenney said.

Similarly, Kenney said, “The purpose is to give the students and the community an opportunity to see wonderful movies in Spanish.”

She said at the event, the Institute for Applied Linguistics will show the film and then have a short discussion of the film afterwards.

Kenney said attending the event allows students to open themselves up to a greater knowledge of the world around them.

On the same note, Mellinger said: “The film series is a great opportunity to learn more about other cultures, gain a new perspective on pressing issues and to overall have a good time.”

Open and free to all students, the event will feature five Spanish films. First of the films, “Chico and Rita,” will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Michael Schwartz Auditorium.

Contact Emily Moran at [email protected]