Nominations for Arts and Sciences Distinguished Advisor Award currently avaliable
Nominations for the third annual Arts and Sciences Distinguished Advisor Award will be available until Friday, giving undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to nominate their favorite college faculty member or professional advisor from the College of Arts and Sciences.
Completed nomination forms should be turned by 5:00 p.m. Friday to the college office, Room 105 Bowman Hall. Nominations may also be sent through campus mail addressed to Distinguished Advisor Award, c/o Dr. Tontodonato, Associate Dean, 105 Bowman Hall, College of Arts and Sciences.
Any Kent State University student can nominate a faculty member or professional advisor from the College of Arts and Sciences.
“It’s public recognition that we value what they do,” said Pamela Tontodonato, Ph.D., associate dean for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Tontodonato said she works with the Student Advisory Council to decide the winner of the Distinguished Advisor Award, using a rubric for evaluating student responses about the faculty member or professional advisor they chose to nominate.
“I think [the award is] very important, particularly when it comes to academic advising, because academic advisors help students be successful,” Tontodonato said.
The winner will be announced in April at a banquet, which recognizes student leaders, student achievers, and the nominee for the A&S Distinguished Advisor Award. The nominee is given a certificate or plaque, and the student who nominated the winner is asked to attend the banquet, as well, to speak about the recipient.
Contact Emily Moran at [email protected].