Our View: ‘Look for the helpers’
Maybe because we are still hurting, but it seems as though the last year has been fraught with thoughtless, violent acts that have taken many lives. Newtown. Aurora. Oak Creek. It feels like the destruction has been never ending.
In the aftermath of each of these tragedies, one Mr. Rogers quote continued to pop up on social media: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
At the Boston Marathon Monday, the bombs that detonated at the finish line resulted in three deaths and 176 injuries and created fear and paranoia throughout the city. In President Obama’s public address, he referred to the bombing as “an act of terror,” mirroring our thoughts as we watched the tragedy unfold on Boylston Street.
But there is still goodness in the world, and the actions of a few do not diminish the actions of the many brave and wonderful people who responded to the blast. Videos show spectators from the stands running toward the blasts to help the injured. Emergency crews, who were standing by, anticipating twisted ankles and dehydration, jumped in to take the most injured to hospital. Reports came that people who had already run the 26.2-mile race continued running an extra 1.5 miles to Massachusetts General Hospital to donate blood. The Red Cross and Mass General Hospital have both reached their quota for donated blood.
It’s small consolation, but these acts of genuine altruism for strangers prove that, even in times of horror and tragedy, the good outweighs the bad. The many tragedies of the last year may weigh upon our hearts, but in times like these, we look for the helpers.
We want to thank the helpers: the first-responders, the volunteers, the doctors, the blood-donors and the police. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families.
If you are looking to help, consider donating to the Red Cross at redcross.org or to the One Fund Boston at onefundboston.com