Registration based on hours earned, in progress
Undergraduate students will now be able to register based on their total number of earned credits and their in-progress credits.
“Effective Spring 2014, for undergraduate students, your time to register is also determined by the total number of earned credit hours and registered credit hours that are in progress,” as stated on the registrar’s website.
“This was a joint collaboration with Information Services to fairly spread students across the registration window,” interim university registrar Gail Rebeta said in an email.
If a student fails a fall class and does not receive the in-progress hours, his or her schedule is not affected, Rebeta said. However, she said it could affect the spring schedule if the failed class was a prerequisite.
“The change will benefit all students in that we expect to see better registration-system response times during our peak demand periods,” Rebeta said.
The registrar staff made the change during Spring 2013 and officially announced it to advisers this summer.
To let students know about the new policy, Rebeta said there’s an ongoing email campaign that is being sent to students, combined with mandatory advising. The registrar’s office also updated the information on the Registration Status page in FlashLine and on the registrar’s website.
To find the information on the website, click on the “Enrollment and Registration” tab on the left. Once there, select the blue “Registration Information” tab. Last, click the “When Do I Register” link, and the information is stated in the second bullet.
There is also a link on the main page to “My Time to Register Entry Schedules” underneath the “Important Registration Dates” text in bold. Click on the link, and the information is restated in the second bullet.
Contact Brandon Koziol at [email protected].