RAs receive stipend for work during break
Marquis Lao (left), senior fashion design major, lives with Resident Assistant Dalinda Starks (right), who is also a senior fashion design major.
Six resident assistants have been chosen to stay on campus over winter break and are due to receive a stipend for their duties.
“The winter break staff (will) receive a stipend of $245 (each) week and will be scheduled for up to 28 hours (each) week,” said Daniel Shonk, assistant director for assignments and marketing for residence services.
The RAs will have a more administrative focus this year and will be in the halls available to assist with anything that arises, said Shonk.
One of the selected RAs, Dylan Oliver, said he has worked over winter break before and enjoys it.
“I decided to stay on campus because it is a great way to interact with other people,” Oliver said. “Getting to work with and interact with RAs from different staffs is a treat. Being a break RA also allows me to work with quality people ‘higher up’ in residence services, which I would never have a chance to do otherwise.”
Without staff and other faculty on campus, as is usually the case, RAs, ARHDs and RHDs will be taking larger roles over winter break. Oliver sees the job of an RA as extremely important.
“It is very important to have RAs on campus over break, and it is good to have an RA in each building where people are staying so they can talk to someone if they need assistance,” Oliver said. “Many people staying over break are international students, and without an RA in the building, they may not be familiar enough with residence services to know who to call if they need help or have a question.”
Oliver said Kent does a great job accommodating its students and makes sure residents are safe, sending security staff on rounds each night.
Joseph Okonofua, a freshman aeronautical engineering student staying on campus over winter break, feels reassured that there will be RAs in residence halls for students to go to if there is any concern.
“I think it is good that there are RAs in the dorm during the break,” said Okonofua. “I think they (will) be of great help and assistance to (the students), who are lonely (and need) people to talk to during the holiday.”
Ryan Landolph is the residence halls reporter for The Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected].