Students urged to attend career fair

The Insurance Industry Career Fair will take place in the Kent State Student Center Ballroom on Wednesday Feb. 10 from noon to 4 p.m. A total of 37 companies will be in attendance to offer Kent State students interviews, job opportunities, internships and cooperative education experiences (co-ops).

Robin Pijor, assistant director of Career Services, advises students of all majors and areas of study to attend.

“The myth about this industry is that everyone thinks it is all about sales and being an insurance agent.  Nothing could be further from the truth,” Pijor said. “This industry is growing by leaps and bounds, and experts are projecting more than 26,000 jobs will be available by 2020 in Ohio alone.”

Pijor also said she encourages students to research the companies that will be attending, practice a one-minute elevator pitch and plan to dress appropriately.

The event is free and registration is not required. However, to make the check-in process easier, students should update their Flash@Work profile (found under the Career Services Center website) and bring their Flashcard to the event.