Portage County introduces new recycling plan

New recycling bins
KENT, Ohio — Portage County is introducing a new single-stream curbside recycling program costing about $3.1 million in eight communities.
Portage County Recycling began delivering the 95 gallon carts at the start of the year, hoping to achieve higher recycling goals.
With the new recycling program, residents will not have to separate their recyclables. Plastic, paper, aluminum, magazines, and cardboard can all go in the same bin.
Kent Resident John Abrams is excited about the ease of the new program. “I wouldn’t even think about recycling,” he said of the previous program.
Portage County purchased five new trucks to assist with the new single-stream curbside recycling program. The trucks are hybrid powered, safer, and more efficient.
The program will officially start Feb. 22.