USG Profile: Olivia Mullen
Name: Olivia Mullen
Position you’re running for: Director of Student Involvement
Year and major: junior, biology
Hometown: Portage Lakes, Ohio
What makes you a representative of the student body?
I believe that I am a well-rounded student. I’ve been involved in several different organizations, I am very opinionated and loud so my voice will always be heard, yet always ready to listen to my peers and advocate for them. I am level-headed and willing to serve the student body of Kent State.
What will be your top priority if elected?
My top priority will be to hold student leader luncheons, where myself and other university officials will facilitate a forum about types of leadership, how to deal with negativity inside your organization, how to utilize allocations and other pressing topics that can be tailored to our student body. This is a duty already in the bylaws of the USG charter and has not been completed at all this term. I want to be the person to change that.
What do you think can be improved on with USG and the campus in general?
I think USG needs more public relations and awareness promoted. We do so many great things for students and not a lot of them are aware of it. The campus also needs to have more pride in our school; not just with sports, but really representing Kent State. I agree with President Beverly Warren on many points about blue and gold pride. Loving our university and showing it to everyone will really impact the positivity on our campus.
How will USG handle the growing prominence of diversity-related issues on campus?
I think the new board should participate in cultural diversity training once a semester and really sit down and have dialogue with students and how they feel about these issues on campus, and what USG can do to help that. Diversity is great and we need to learn to embrace it more.