USG Profile: Zhamilya Suieubayeva
Name: Zhamilya Suieubayeva
Position you’re running for: Senator for College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED)
Year and major: senior, architecture major
Hometown: Almaty, Kazakhstan
What makes you a representative of the student body?
Being an international student at CAED helped me to understand the challenges of being an outsider. I had to learn how to adjust to culture, academic life and language, (and) that is quite different than I was used to in my home country. Intensive studying requires an enormous amount of time and energy. Students need to have the most convenient environment and support from the college and university administration. Those problems are (experienced by) both domestic and international students. I can understand and represent both of those groups.
What will be your top priority if elected?
Creating a bridge between students and college administration, becoming a voice of the student community, bringing their needs and suggestions to the attention of the (university) and USG and attracting and engaging students with different backgrounds.
How will USG handle the growing prominence of diversity-related issues on campus?
By engaging more international students (with) student organizations and giving them the opportunity to share their experiences at Kent State. By doing that, (they will) understand the general challenges of studying in the university. The gained insight should be considered for further decision-making processes that involves admission, instruction and academic support.