USG Profile: Logan Pringle
Name: Logan Pringle
Position running for: Director of Programming
Year and major: junior, construction management
Hometown: New Philadelphia, OH
What makes you a representative of the student body?
I believe I would be the best representative because I will make sure every student is happy with the various programs that will come to Kent State, no matter the cost. I will always strive to make sure no student voice goes unheard and that students are happy with everything I can do for them.
What will be your top priority if elected?
My top priority will be the students and, again, making sure all students are happy. I will work day in and day out to make sure the student body is cared for and everyone knows I have heard what they have to say.
What do you think can be improved on with USG and the campus in general?
Involvement of the students and the campus can be improved. We only have these final years before we graduate and start our full-time jobs. Let these years be our best and share them (each other). I believe I can achieve this through programming by offering events that the whole student body will enjoy and can’t wait to be at.
How will USG handle the growing prominence of diversity-related issues on campus?
We will create a safe environment for diverse groups, where they are able to express viewpoints, possible solutions and use this opportunity to show we do care about diverse groups and that we want them to come forward and help guide them.