Trump holds last rally in Youngstown before Ohio primary

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters at Winner Aviation in Vienna, Ohio, on Monday, March 14, 2016.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump held a rally in Vienna, Ohio near Youngstown, at Winner Aviation on Monday night, one day before the Ohio primary.

Trump is tied in the Ohio primary at 33 percent with fellow Republican candidate and governor of Ohio, John Kasich at the time of reporting.

However, supporters at the rally were hopeful that Trump would hold the lead for tomorrow’s poll.

“I think it is going to be hard for him, a lot of people around here support Governor Kasich,” said Tyler Alfredo, a senior in high school from Brimfield, Ohio. “But, I think if Trump really wants to get elected he’s going to really have to show people how he is going to help Ohio in the future, not only just in Ohio, but the rest of the United States.”

Trump spoke heavily on the immigration issues, which resulted in the crowd chanting along with him, “Build that wall!”

“I agree with (Trump’s) immigration (views), 100 percent,” said Ron Watson, a resident of Hubbard, Ohio. “I think that we need to take care of our country then go from there.”

Peggy Alcorn, from Poland, Ohio, agreed with Trump. She is also worried about illegal immigration in the U.S.

“I am a little concerned with the illegal immigrants in the country, I don’t know about this wall he’s talking about building, how realistic that is,“ Alcorn said. “But I think we need as a country to get a handle on some of the illegal immigration.”

Trump continued to reassure his supporters that the wall dividing the U.S. and Mexico border will indeed be built.

“We need security (and) we need borders,” Trump said in his speech. “We are going to build a wall, the wall will be built 100 percent. And who’s going to pay for the wall? Mexico!”

Trump claimed the wall will cost around $10 billion and will be 45-50 feet high.

Also discussed during the rally were his views on creating more jobs.

“I’m more interested in having jobs in this country than acting presidential,” Trump said.

Watson, who is in the steel business, said he is looking for a president to help make the economy better, Watson added that steel business is decreasing.

“If I had to look at somebody to run my business, of all the candidates I look at, that’d (Trump) be the one that I think could take my business and make it successful,” Watson said.

Alfredo also agreed that Trump’s business background is something positive for the country.

“I think that his business experience and everything that he’s done for our country so far with the support and everything he’s garnished from everybody around the world, he’s the best candidate right now out of anybody,” Alfredo said.

Throughout the rally, Trump mentioned multiple times that participating in tomorrow’s primary is important.

“It’s so important, you’ve got to vote tomorrow,” Trump said. “If you go to the doctor and he tells you you’re going to be dead in three weeks, (it) doesn’t matter. Get out tomorrow and vote, think about your family.”

Trump ended by expressing his faith in Ohio, and how he is the one to make changes happen.

“This is a place I want to win, this is going to do it,” Trump said. “Ohio is going to make America great again, Kasich can’t make America great again. He can’t do it.”

Jean Sebben, from Warren, Ohio appreciated that Trump made his way to Youngstown today.

“I thought it was great for him to stop here,” Sebben said. “Sometimes we are so overlooked in this area, there is a lot that goes on here that people don’t realize how much we have to offer in this area.” 

Dana Miller is an assigning editor for The Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].