Student Center to host LifeShare blood drive

Save up to 3 lives in less than an hour by donating blood, and get a Subway or Chipotle gift card.

On April 28, from noon to 7 p.m., LifeShare will be hosting a blood drive on the third floor of the student center in room 310.

“One in seven people entering a hospital are in need of blood,” said Scott Dotterer, Kent State’s coordinator with LifeShare. “We can’t make blood, we need people to give the gift of blood.”

Not only can you save lives by donating, you can be entered for a $500 tuition scholarship. The more blood that is donated, the more $500 scholarships get donated by LifeShare to thank Kent State for allowing them to host their blood drives.

Kent State has collaborated with LifeShare to host blood drives for 10 years.

Katy Neff, a LifeShare representative, has been on campus during other Kent State blood drives and helps recruit donors, pass out gift cards and coordinate the scholarship donations.

“Scott works extremely hard to earn as many $500 LifeShare Scholarships for students as possible,” Neff said. “We love the dedication and support we receive from Kent State University.”

For every 40 units of blood donated, one $500 scholarship is awarded to the university. Over the last 10 years, the campus has donated 12,000 units of blood and received 330 scholarships totaling $165,000

Scholarship applications are available at the blood drive and open to anyone, even if a blood donation is not given. If you are not able to give a donation, you are encouraged to promote the event to friends, family or colleagues.

Along with the collaborations of Scott Dotterer of health services and Katy Neff of LifeShare, Professor Axiotis and the program planning class in the College of Education, Health and Human Services have helped further the event by creating flyers and staffing the information recruitment table.

Other on-campus organizations have helped sponsor and promote the event, too, such as the Body Acceptance Movement, the Public Health Student Alliance, the College of Business, University Health Services and the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.