Health Watch: De-stressing for finals
There’s only two weeks left before finals, meaning it’s crunch time for many students. Most have multiple exams before finals, have final projects to work on, or both. That being said, student stress levels are rising.
Stress is not always bad and can help motivate students to get their work done on time. Excessive stress is bad, however, and can cause indigestion, ulcers, fatigue, anger, depression, or worse.
For those of you on or near campus, take advantage of the resources Kent State has to offer.
1. Get some exercise
Take a break and head over to the rec center to work out. There’s plenty of equipment if you want to work out on your own, but if you’re a beginner or like working out with a group, try some of the fitness classes.
2. Go outside
Take advantage of the nice weather coming our way the next few weeks and take a walk or do your work outside. Sunlight is proven to make you feel happier, just make sure you wear sunscreen to prevent getting burnt.
3. Grab a bite to eat
Take an hour and grab lunch with some friends, just make sure instead of heading for the pizza or pretzels you get something healthy to keep you going. Eating poorly can create more stress and make you feel too sluggish to continue studying or working.
Remember also to prioritize your work, get some sleep and make time for yourself these next few weeks.