Opinion: Obama’s latest speech sums up my current mindset

Last Saturday, the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner took place. The purpose of this annual event is to recognize the journalists who cover news related to the president and the White House. The evening is also meant to celebrate our nation’s free press.

Each year at this black-tie event, the president makes a speech. This year, President Barack Obama used his speech as an opportunity to have a little fun. All I kept thinking throughout his speech was how I—like every worn-out college student—could relate to his approach.

First, he reflected on his time as president and admitted to feeling a little sentimental, which I’m doing now. I’m thinking back on all the fun I’ve had this year and how much I’m going to miss my friends over the summer.

Obama gave us a glimpse into the emotions that come with the winding down of his time as president. He touched upon the changes that are happening all around him and talked about the tough transitions he’s facing. Obama mentioned how difficult it is to see his key staff leave. That’s how I feel when I think about my graduating senior friends moving on.

Throughout the half-hour long speech, he managed to draw attention to the ridiculousness of some government officials, as well as Donald Trump, while showing respect for the journalists who worked hard.

He gave his thank-yous to those who deserved them, but cracked jokes at candidates and journalists who deserved those as well.

His sarcastic, humorous tone is the same attitude I always develop around this time of the school year: I joke about the terrible professors I’ve had, praise the great ones and laugh about the struggles I’ve faced.

Obama’s last White House Correspondents’ speech perfectly reflects how I’m getting through these last weeks of the semester.

He was playful and he didn’t take himself too seriously, but he was able to buckle down and finish his speech on a strong note.

His mic drop at the end can be compared to how I’m going to place my last final exam down before my teacher.

Maybe I’ll even throw in a “Karam Out” for the heck of it.

Samantha Karam is a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]