(Orientation) Our view: Back-to-school
As the end of August and summer break draws to an end, college campuses across the country are once again filling up with students.
From freshmen eager to begin the next chapter of their lives in new surroundings to seniors on their last leg of the academic journey—so close to the finish line and the start of an entirely new life outside of the academic world—the new school year is significant to everyone.
We can understand that feeling of anticipation resting in the pits of students’ stomachs as they prepare to dive into 16 weeks filled with new classes and work, some eager to start, others impatient to get it down and over with so they can move on with their lives.
To the incoming class of 2020, welcome to college. The next four years of your life are likely going to be a time of extreme stress, happiness and discovery.
It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to do right now, post-college. Or maybe you do.
Regardless, you’ve got time. Think of this stage of your life as preparation for the real world.
It’s okay if you’re a little lost right now, or if you decide to change your major two, three or four times before you graduate. That’s what college is all about, finding yourself.
Good luck to all new and returning Kent State students this school year. Remember that, while you’re here to get an education that prepares you for the rest of your life, it’s okay to have a little fun during the process, too.