Tutoring strives to be rewarding success

David Carlyn, junior computer science major, tutors sophomore aeronautics major, Keith Wright, in math at the tutoring center on the first floor of the library on Oct. 5, 2016.

Tutoring has been a service offered by Kent State’s Academic Success Center for years, but becoming a tutor may be a thought that has never occurred to some students before.

“It’s a very straightforward job that lets me use my knowledge to help people,” said Stuart McKaige, a senior computer science major.

McKaige is the tutor coordinator, and is currently working his fifth semester as a tutor.

“It helps me learn better communication skills, and teaches me to think about new ways to solve problems,” McKaige said.

Michael Donzella is the academic program coordinator for university tutoring in charge of hiring new tutors.

“We look for students wanting to do it, wanting to help their fellow peers, and wanting to share their knowledge,” Donzella said.

The Academic Success Center employs Kent State students in a number of tutoring roles such as subject tutors, supplemental instruction leaders and study skills tutors.

McKaige said the most satisfying moment being a tutor was when someone he had previously tutored became a tutor themselves for the same subject.

“There’s no better feeling than seeing a student come in nervous about their class and then leaving with the confidence they need to succeed in that class,” said Clair Yee, senior public health major.

The Academic Success Center also offers online e-tutoring, where students can have one-on-one sessions with tutors and submit essays for tutors to provide feedback on before submitting them for grading.

The Frank L. Christ Learning Award was recently given to the Academic Success Center by the National College Learning Center Association. The program’s “innovative use and offerings of technology programs” were cited as some of the reasons for this award.

The Academic Success Center accepts in-person applications in room 114 of the Center for Undergraduate Excellence, and will be offering the ability for students to apply online for next semester.

“Our mission is to empower students to become independent learners through engaging support programs, while providing an inclusive community that honors the uniqueness of each individual’s academic journey,” Donzella said.

Nicholas Adkins is the student finance and jobs reporter, contact him at [email protected].