Letter to the Editor:

Editor’s note: This letter was submitted last week through a previously defunct submissions tab on KentWired. We’ve resolved this technical error and readers can now successfully submit letters to the editor via the tab on our website.

We’ve recently seen some “abhorrent” speech by a member of the Marquette County GOP in Michigan regarding May 4. The May 4 Task Force, a student organization which has planned the annual commemoration since 1975, were heartened by the response from the student body in regards to this unfortunate situation.

Sadly, neither The Kent Stater nor the university administration recognized the role of the task force and the yearly commemoration in their written responses.

This is not the first time in the past year the Stater has failed to recognize the task force’s importance, or even existence, as a student organization. In their orientation edition, the Stater failed to mention the May 4 Task Force and Black United Students, a major oversight considering we worked with BUS during our last commemoration. We feel that it is important to point out that the task force also posted a response to Dan Adamini’s posts on our Facebook page. 

We, the members of the task force, would like to state that we are here and invite any student who is interested in preserving the memory of May 4, 1970. To help honor those affected by the tragedy, join us every Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m. in the May 4 Resource Room on the first floor of the University Library.

This letter to the editor was submitted by Idris Kabir Syed on behalf of the May 4 Task Force.