Plot Synopsis: Episode 5 of Truth features an exclusive interview with aspiring mainstream rapper and fellow Kent State University student, Myles Poole aka “mylesthereal.” Myles has music streaming on Apple Music and Spotify, which is an acknowledgeable accomplishment. He also performs at local events and is currently working on building an international fan base. Throughout this interview Myles unapologetically reveals his truth. Check out “Lyfe of Myles” and “The Ward” available now!
Interview Questions:
1. Where are you from?
2. What made you want to become an artist? How old were you when you started rapping?
3. How do you feel about where you are right now? Where you were? Where you want to be?
4. What was your motivation for The Ward versus your motivation for The Lyfe of Myles?
5. What is your purpose?
6. Any upcoming shows or new music on the way? Will your content change or remain the same?
7. What is your biggest fear?
8. What is your biggest goal?