Topic takeover: Love
Plot Synopsis: “Topic takeover: Love” consists of a an in-depth discussion about love. Featuring four men who attend Kent State University revealing their true perspectives about love. My social media specialist Tyler Thompson facilitated this discussion.
Facilitated by: Tyler Thompson
Special Guests: Wesley Harris, David Lightner and Ted Perkins Men of (Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.)
Questions asked:
- What is Love?
- Is “Black Love” different from “Love?”
- Why is it hard for African-American men to trust African-American women?
- Do you think it will be easier to love after college?
- Have you ever trusted a girl in college?
- Do you think it is hard for African American women to trust African-American men?
- Is love meant for college?
- Is it acceptable to have two women?
- What is the difference between love and lust?
- Do you prefer love or lust?
- Is it hard for an African-American male to come to college and be loyal when the cool thing to do is “get buns?”