Grace Braunlich USG
Grace Braunlich, junior nursing major, running for College of Nursing senator
What is your platform?
“I have three main goals, which are broken down for my platform.
First of all, I am really interested in encouraging the nursing students to get in involved in all of the organizations that the College of Nursing has to offer. We have so many different parts of nursing, I know personally I am in the Nursing Fraternity Delta Xi and then there’s Diversity in Nursing and Students for Professional Nursing. So, I know that there are a lot of students in the college but they don’t get involved, necessarily, as much as we wish they would. So that’s something that I really want to do in a really great way for all of them, to share our passion for nursing.
Another part of it is, I want to reach out to other organizations outside of our college to provide more volunteering opportunities. So, the clubs that we do offer in nursing, one of our biggest things that we like to do is volunteering. I think that by reaching out to other organizations we can create a better presence on campus.
And then as the Senator of the College of Nursing, I just want to be a voice for the students and convey any concerns the students may have with the college or just with the university in general.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I am very passionate about nursing, which is one of the reasons that I ran. Nursing has brought me to a lot of my friends and I feel like I can be that voice and that advocate that they need because of the relationship that share with a lot of them and the professors.”
What changes are you looking to enact?
“Like I was talking about in my platform, I would really love to see students get more involved with the organizations inside of the College of Nursing, like the Diversity of Nursing and the Students for Professional Nursing because that is a great way to build up your resume and get hired, and that is something you want to see, more nurses (and) more employment. And then the volunteering opportunities, because volunteering no matter where it is, like a hospital (or) other organizations, that is another thing to put on your resume, to get your name out, and networking opportunities. And that’s the main goal of all of us at college, is to be employed so that is what my goal is.”